Test Your Call Retreats
A Test Your Call retreat is the opportunity to visit the novitiate in Cheshire, CT, and to share with other young men who are taking their first steps of formation and discernment. Retreatants will get to know the brothers, experience with them their life of prayer, community, and formation. The retreat includes Daily Mass, Rosary, Adoration, work, and sports, as well as a directed retreat and the opportunity to meet with a Legionary Vocation Director. This lived experience will speak in some real way to the heart of each man discerning.
Holy Week Test Your Call April 5 – 9, 2023
Spring Test Your Call May 18 – 21, 2023
Memorial Day Test Your Call May 26 – 29, 2023
Christmas Test Your Call December 29, 2023 – January 1, 2024
*All events in Cheshire, CT unless otherwise noted.
Legionaries of Christ Aspirancy Program | The Mountain Beckons
This optional introductory program aids men to:
- Take a concrete step closer to Christ
- Discern the “calling” through prayer, study, fraternity and guidance
- Understand the priesthood and Legionary life: charism, mission and community
- Prepare for possible future steps (Legionary Candidacy or other)
Aspirants include:
- High school seniors (with parental permission)
- University seniors and select undergraduates
- Men working off financial debt
- Men wanting to experience the Legion and Regnum Christi charism, community, and apostolate
- Men needing time and guidance to strengthen certain habits and form virtues
- International applicants needing to become familiar with American culture and society
- Men taking firm initial steps before Candidacy
Guides are experienced Legionary vocation directors who will help the men start “climbing” while at home or working.
Contact: Fr. Nathan Torrey, LC 203-522-1387 or ntorrey@legionaries.org