Regnum Christi | Legionaries of Christ

Unleashing the Heart of the Apostle: Highlights from the 2024 RC National Men’s Convention

On January 26th – 28th, 2024, 125 men, including 25 Legionary priests, gathered at the Regnum Christi National Men’s Convention at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in Norwood, Ohio, to connect and rejuvenate their evangelizing mission. This was the first Territory-wide Regnum Christi men’s convention in several years, and participants came from all over North America, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and San Jose, California, to Miama, Florida.


The theme of the 2024 RC Men’s Convention was “Unleashing the Heart of the Apostle,” which built upon the theme of last year’s convention, “Igniting the Heart of the Apostle.” At the convention, RC men learn how to infuse their mission, daily life, work, and relationships with the Regnum Christi charism, in order to change the world around them. By connecting with fellow RC leaders who share the same charism and call, participants draw strength from the Lord in prayer and in supporting one another as brothers so as to emerge empowered by Christ and rejuvenated to face life’s challenges head-on.

The event began on Friday with an opening Mass, followed by dinner and opening remarks from Fr. Shawn Aaron, LC, Territorial Director of the Legionaries of Christ, on the theme of kerygma, a joyful, experience-driven, proclamation of the Gospel. “Regnum Christi is a good for the whole Church, so live it, go deep in it, communicate it, and enrich the Church through it,” said Fr. Shawn. “Testify to it – what we’ve seen, what we’ve heard, what’s been given to us that we don’t deserve. We communicate it so that our joy may be full. That is why we are here.”

Fr. John Bartunek, LC, member of the RC Territorial Directive College, presented a talk on renewing the decision to be a saint, and the importance on getting back to basics and returning to the fundamentals of faith in order to be a changing force in the world:

“When I think about Regnum Christi and our mission, I don’t think about the next 10 years, I think about the next 300 years. We’re called to make a difference that’s going to last. We are in a period of transition – the Christian culture that has been influencing civilization for so long is now transitioning to a post-Christian culture, and Regnum Christi is one of the spiritual families brought up in these years, in these decades, that’s going to help shape the first ever post-Christian Christian culture. What is this new Christian culture going to look like? We are going to be the shapers of that culture – that is what we are called to do.”

In his talk, Peter Freissle, CEO of Polydeck and founder and CEO of the non-profit organization His Way At Work, which was developed to inspire and train CEOs to run their businesses in line with their faith, encouraged the men to see their work as their mission field. “Business is a vocation: it is a calling to be a modern-day apostle by using our businesses as a platform for ministry and evangelization,” said Peter. “Many of us, as on-fire Christians and evangelists, we want to go to Haiti, we want to go to these far-off countries to do mission work, but the mission is in our own companies. As business owners, we are the modern-day apostles, to bring our faith to work in an authentic way.”

In the afternoon, Vincent Nowaczewski spoke on his experience as a Young Men’s Team Leader in Cincinnati, and Ryan Foley, Executive Director of His Way at Work for the US and Canada, spoke on the essentials of being an apostle. Saturday’s activities also included Mass and adoration (with music provided by Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi), a rosary, table and group discussions, a fireside chat, and spiritual direction. The day was capped off with a much-anticipated cornhole tournament (won by Fr. Shawn).

Sunday concluded with a convention wrap-up with Fr. Shawn, followed by Mass.

John Carter led the planning for this year’s convention, and also acted as the event’s emcee. “The purpose of the convention is to gather lay leaders and their chaplains from all over the Territory to invigorate and elevate their apostolic vigor. We want the attendees to leave inspired and better equipped to grow their RC men’s sections to make Christ present in the world,” says John. “But the most moving part of the convention was seeing the men from all over the Territory praying and worshipping together, enjoying each other’s company, making new friends, and coming away with a deeper resolve to live out their RC vocations.”

Registration is now open for the 2025 RC Men’s Convention, whose theme will be “The love of Christ impels us: Passionate Self-Giving.” The convention will be held January 23rd – 26th, 2025, at the Rosaryville Retreat Center in Ponchatoula, Louisiana. Join this gathering of men from around the North American territory and delve into what it means to be a Christian apostle, and a man passionately in love with Christ and deeply dedicated to the service of his brothers and sisters.

To find out more about the 2024 RC National Men’s Convention, and to hear some of the talks that were presented, visit their website here. For more information or to register for the upcoming convention in Louisiana in 2025, visit their website at Regnum Christi Men’s Convention 2025. Don’t miss the chance to renew your spirit, embrace your calling, lead with conviction, and leave an impact on the world you are called to evangelize!