Regnum Christi | Legionaries of Christ

Announcing a New Course for Seminarian Trainers

This course is an opportunity for study, deepening and exchange of experiences between formators to guide seminarians in their discernment, growth and spiritual maturation.

The Instituto Sacerdos , affiliated with the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum of Rome, announces the opening of its Course for Seminary Trainers, designed to provide a valuable update to those dedicated to the training of future priests.

This course is presented as an opportunity for study, deepening the exchange of experiences between formators who have the noble responsibility of guiding the seminarians in their discernment, growth and spiritual maturation.

Aimed at a Specialized Audience

The course is specifically designed for rectors, vice-rectors, spiritual directors and other seminary educators who wish to enrich their knowledge and skills in the field of priestly formation.

Date and Location

The course will take place in Rome, at the International College of the Legionaries of Christ (CILC), throughout the month of July 2024. This conducive environment will allow participants to immerse themselves in the rich historical and spiritual context of the Eternal City while learning.

Multilingual for Global Participation

The main language of the course will be Italian, but simultaneous translation will be offered into English, Spanish and French, thus facilitating the participation of an international audience.

Details and Registration

To obtain detailed information about the structure of the course, the topics to be covered and the registration process, those interested can visit the official website of the Sacerdos Institute.

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

Additionally, scholarship opportunities have been announced for participation in specialized courses at ecclesiastical colleges and universities in Europe. AIN International , an organization dedicated to supporting the persecuted and needy Church, offers aid for these scholarships.

Requirements and Priorities

Bishops and superiors of religious congregations and institutes may apply for scholarships for the benefit of their members, priests and lay people. Priority will be given to future seminary trainers, novice teachers, ecclesiastical court staff, as well as trainers and managers with specific experience in preventing abuse.

Information and Deadlines for Scholarship Applications

For detailed information on application requirements and deadlines, interested parties are invited to visit the AIN International website:

The application form and required documents must be submitted exclusively by email before March 1, 2024.

This course and scholarship opportunities represent valuable initiatives to strengthen the spiritual and academic formation of those who play a crucial role in the guidance and formation of future priests in the Catholic Church.

To register and more details:  website