Regnum Christi | Legionaries of Christ

The Legionaries of Christ Publish Third Consecutive Annual Report: ‘Truth, Justice and Healing’

  • The Reparation and Support Program for victims, which was presented in the 2nd Annual Report, has been implemented. Throughout the past year, the guidelines established in the program for reparation have been followed in 11 cases. The program aligns with civil and canonical procedures and systematizes victim assistance, including economic reparations among the various types of reparations offered.
  • There has been stable collaboration with external institutions and experts in the countries where the Congregation is present. Furthermore, these collaborative efforts have been strengthened in the past year making it easier to offer victims appropriate reception and accompaniment.
  • 6 of the 9 territories that make up the Congregation throughout the world have an external audit accreditation of safe environment protocols issued by Praesidium, an internationally recognized organization for the prevention of sexual abuse against minors. The remaining three territories are in the accreditation process.

April 19, 2023 | Rome – As part of their ongoing commitment to victims of abuse by members of the Congregation, society and the Church the Legionaries of Christ published the “3rd Annual Report: Truth, Justice and Healing – 2022.” For the Legionaries of Christ, keeping known and unknown victims at the center, coming to terms with the past, and committing to healing, prevention, and purification has become essential to a continued ability to serve the Church. The annual reports published by the Congregation offer accountability of the work being done and the progress being made toward these commitments while also addressing the shortcomings that still exist and require a greater effort in the years to come.

As with the previous reports, the 3rd Annual Report is structured into three main sections. The first section discusses the gradual progress that has been made, by the Congregation, over the past seventeen years toward a culture of zero abuse. The second section addresses the advances that have been made in 2022 toward the fulfillment of the commitments established by the 1st Annual Report: Truth, Justice, and Healing: 1) care for victims, 2) economic reparation and support for victims, 3) follow-up of ongoing canonical procedures, 4) impeding an investigation or grave negligence, 5) the accreditation process, 6) collaboration with external institutions and experts, and 7) abuses of authority and conscience. The third section looks at the work that is still needed, next year and in the years to come. There is still a long path to take in search of truth, justice, and healing for the victims.

Economic Reparation and Support for Victims:

Over the years, there has been a growing awareness in the Church, in society, and in the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ concerning the serious consequences for the victims of sexual abuse. Through this difficult and painful awareness, the Congregation has established several commitments and necessary actions needed for the protection of all those they minister to. Father John Connor, general director of the Legionaries of Christ, has stated “Now, aware of what we have learned, we are determined to keep taking decisive steps down this path. There is no turning back.”

The Reparation and Support Program for victims, which was presented in the 2nd Annual Report, has been implemented. Throughout the past year, the guidelines established in the program for reparation have been followed in 11 cases. The program aligns with civil and canonical procedures and systematizes victim assistance, including economic reparations among the various types of reparations offered.

Collaboration with External Institutions and Experts

There has been stable collaboration with external institutions and experts in the countries where the Congregation is present. Furthermore, these collaborative efforts have been strengthened in the past year making it easier to offer victims appropriate reception and accompaniment.

Accreditation Process

6 of the 9 territories that make up the Congregation throughout the world have an external audit accreditation of safe environment protocols issued by Praesidium, an internationally recognized organization for the prevention of sexual abuse against minors. The remaining three territories are in the accreditation process.

All the data of the updated cases, documents and reports, as well as the contacts of the institutional and independent channels for complaints can be found at


3rd Annual Report: Truth, Justice and Healing – 2022 [Spanish Report] [English Report]
2nd Annual Report: Truth, Justice and Healing – 2021 [Spanish Report] [English Report]
1st Annual Report: Truth, Justice and Healing – 2020 [Spanish Report] [English Report]
Report 1941-2019 [Spanish Report] [English Report]
Global Lists of Abuse Cases


North American Territorial Communications Office of the Legionaries of Christ

(United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Philippines and Korea)

Gail Gore
Director of Communications
+ 1 (707) 309-6957